A couple of months ago I made the decision to really decrease the amount of television that my children watched. I wouldn't say that they watched alot of television and what they did watch was often educations or classic Disney movies but I felt it was more then they needed {if young children actually need television at all}. The first week I called it a 'Kids Free Week' {as in ABC kids, the children's television programs} and I cut it out almost all together with them only watching one movie. It was a hard week because we were used morning and afternoon kids programs. But then I noticed a change. They did not ask for it and would go about entertaining themselves more then they had previously. I also noticed that my son, who was around twenty one months} suddenly spent lots of time at the book shelf looking more intently at book after book in a way that he never had before. They started drawing more and my daughters drawing changed dramatically as did the way she played with playdough. They way that they played changed too. More dramatic imaginative elaborate play was taking place. Here is an example.
Yesterday morning my daughter told me that she was on a mission. I wondered what kind of mission she meant so after a few questions I learnt that she was on a mission to Sydney to save all her Sydney cousins from the sea monsters, garden monsters and all the wild animals. She enlisted her little brother, who she also called her husband, on her mission. The were well prepared with lots of supplies including backpacks filled to the brim with lots of essential little things, plastic chillie phones, a boat and maps. Their maps highlighted the rapid changes in technology these days. My daughters's map was a hand draw paper crayon variety.
While my son, who is twenty one months younger and therefore twenty one month more up to date with technology had the GPS instruction book.
They played this ever evolving game for hours, which I was invited into through the constant phone calls from the chillie phones {did you know chillie phones make the noise 'debloop debloop' when they ring}. I love this kind of child directed play where they don't need fancy toys {or any real toys for that matter} that is full of imagination.
I am not against television for children and while there are alot of great educational {whether academic or social/emotional etc} television programs out there developed for children they don't
need them. Sometimes {or even more then that} their lives are richer without it. Though I still have to convince my husband.
I am so glad I we made the switch {or turned it off}.