Saturday, July 3, 2010

a slack mum

I am the first to admit that is some areas of my mothering life I am slack. Take playdough for example. We have it in the house and the children get to play with it all the time. But only in one colour. I know that they would love to have more colours to play with, especially my daughter, however I don't like the idea of it turning into one grey brown mess. So they only have one colour at a time. Slack.
Here is the solution.
Play dough in a few colours that wont look bad when they are all mushed together. Brilliant idea! Though I cannot take credit for it. My friend brought some matching playdough to playgroup last year. I loved it and decided to make some. I only just made it this week. Slack again.
I don't think I am going to have a problem with the colour that this playdough will make when it gets all mixed up.
After a few plays we have a couple of balls of marbled play dough. I actually like the way it looks.
I think allowing my children to have play dough in more then one colour almost makes me eligible for the mother of the year award.

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